Gandalfy manners
Is it though? Can one truly enjoy one's current position, knowing what lies ahead? Can a man, though surfing the highest of waves, ignore the abyss before him?
I wonder...
In essence, we are all what we are raised to be and all our realities are subjective...
are they though?
I ask the deities within me, the God inside my head. I ask Myself.
The primals wear me down, those wretched daemons of the past. They have gained an equal, or even higher credibility than the Young ones, those of the mind. It is Humans vs Bacteria. The pinnacle of evolution still so vulnerable to its first children. Mind and instinct, man and bacteria.
This self-perpetuating circle of self-assuring pretentiousness is bothering some, I feel. However, I am far too numbed to think of them. The forests will echo with laughter.
I salute the eve that lies ahead. In a party of four we shall reach those, once so appreciated heights and we shall forget! Goddamnit, we must forget.
Hope is abolished, replaced with the will to explore
adieu....and I am high on mind-produced drugs right now so I realize that I'm not making alot of sence, but trust me, there is a meaning to eeeeverything(said in a Gandalfy manner)
Wall of text
anywayzz, here goes da boomer
The Comfort of Home
The heavy gate slammed shut and let forth a trembling sound infused with a divine wrath, which stretched back to the very birth of time. They marked the end of an era. They marked the end of his life. Nothing would ever be the same again.
He lay naked on the gray, desolate rock that was known as the “Outside”, with nothing to guide him but the light of his memories. The cold stone carved deeply into his flesh, tearing great wounds into his body deforming him further. The wounds were fatal and he knew that the end was nigh. He could not muster the strength to scream nor did he feel the urge to do so. He merely closed his eyes and welcomed his inevitable fate, as his mind drifted off to the blissful memories of his past; to the comfort of “Home”. He remembered looking at them through the windows. Those, whose world he had now inherited. They had wandered this perpetual rock without direction or cause, and they had all worn an expression distorted from pain and anguish. Some, however, had made their way to the other side; they had conquered the vast mountain, climbing unfathomable altitudes. Upon these, the Gods had bestowed their eternal mercy, and they had gone on to live on the other side. However, this was a very rare occurrence and the vast majority of the populace was left to roam the lands for all eternity. He remembered pitying them. Even hating them for choosing a life in the Outside as opposed to the comfort of Home, for he had indeed believed that their fate was a product of choice. And now, he was one of them. He knew not how it came to be that such an orthodox man as himself was left to suffer this ungodly fate. However, he realized now that death would not free him from this world, nor would it ease the pain he suffered. Death, amongst other luxuries, was not permitted within the walls of this dark hell.
Blood poured out of the numerous wounds on his body, as he attempted to stand steadily on his feet. They were beyond healing and it seemed as though, judging by the amount of blood that had left his shivering body, his veins should have been emptied long ago, but for some reason the flow would not cease. At last he managed to stand still. The pain was unbearable. He would have screamed and cried, had he been one of them, and he took great pride in the fact that he was not. If one does not deviate from the mass, he figured, how does one accomplish the impossible? He began studying his surroundings, familiarizing himself with his dark cage. Behind him was the gate from which he had arrived. It stood there, in a resolute silence, as if though it knew the immensity of its task, and it was clear that it would not succumb easily. As he studied it, feelings of unease began to grow within him and he was compelled to look away. Apart from the gate, there existed only the enormous mountain, forming the impossible task he was about to undertake. The people he had seen through the various windows in Home were gone. Dark figures walked now where they had walked. They were lifeless shadows, rather than human beings and their forms were impossible to define. They were, however, still moving in the same mindless patterns as their predecessors, walking around without purpose, without cause, without the hope of ever reaching the summit of the world.
He had climbed for several days but the summit was still beyond his range of vision. The wounds had yet not healed and it was solely his iron will that had enabled him to come so far. Despite his fierce resolution, he could not withstand such incredible amounts of physical pain, and thus he fell to the ground. The little strength he had left faded away. As he lay there, in a puddle of his own blood, something appeared to be moving further ahead of him. He could barely discern the shape of the figure until it stood right above him. Two strong arms pulled him up from the ground and he was asked to take a seat. The figure turned out to be a huge man, wrapped in pelts from several animals. His feet were covered in huge leather boots, which seemed to protect him from falling victim to the edged ground beneath him. By his side rode a mule, so heavily encumbered by various objects, that it would have been crushed, had it been under normal circumstances. He recognized the man a merchant, a sight not seldomly seen in Home, for it was in fact littered with merchants trying to pass on their worthless objects onto the naive citizens. Finally, he did as he was told and he sat down on one of the two chairs that had appeared in front of him and the merchant followed his lead. After a long period of silence the stranger opened his mouth.”Welcome”, he said.
As the mysterious stranger told his story, the atmosphere began to change. The words that he uttered held such a majestic force, that it seemed they had the capability to alter the very fabric of space and time. Profound changes were affecting the Outside and the newcomer knew that whatever they were, they were for the better. The air grew thicker and gentler, and the world itself turned into a rather hospitable place. The sky was affected as well; the previously gray and apathetic clouds that had lingered over the mountain dissolved and in their stead shone a great golden sun and as the merchant proceeded, he found himself no longer trapped in the barren world of the Outside; great walls surrounded the world and he noticed that instead of simple chairs, they were now seated on grand thrones worthy of kings. The mountain, which had been his sole companion throughout his journey, was levelled and its edged surface smoothed over. A vast plain floor stretched out before him. The world began to resemble a bloated version of the royal halls he remembered from his past. At last, when the transformation was complete, the merchant ceased to speak and rose from his throne. He reached for a large package that strapped the mule’s back and walked gently towards the throne, on which the newcomer was seated. As he walked, however, parts of his body began to dissolve and when he reached it, nothing remained but the package. Even the mule had disappeared and was nowhere to be seen. However, fate left him no opportunity to think about it further, as he was flung back into the world he had never hoped to see again. Once again, he laid his eyes upon the endless grey rock that had come to serve as his cage. The package was the only thing left to prove that the past events were not a product of his imagination. Although slightly dismayed by the fact of their sudden disappearance, he saw no other option than to open it. And so he did.
He had walked a long way since he had met with the merchant and he showed no sign of slowing down. He only stopped briefly to check his wounds and to treat them further. Although nothing existed to prove it, he was certain that his labour was not for naught and that the summit came closer with every step he took. In his hand, he held the note that had followed with the package. He remembered reading it the first time. For whatever reason, these words meant more to him than anything else. Once again he laid his eyes upon the, seemingly, insignificant piece of paper. It read: “Never turn back, for a memory revisited is a memory ruined”. The package had contained numerous things to help him along his journey: Bandages along with several medicinal brews, clothes and shoes to protect him from both the cold and from the rough terrain beneath him and finally a lantern to illuminate his surroundings. All of these were vital to his task and his gratitude for the mysterious merchant had no limits. Yet he could not manage to put his mind at ease and he knew that his journey was all but over.
Later that day he stopped to recover from the day’s severe effort; he had walked continuously for several hours and he figured his wounds needed treating. As he sat down on the rough surface, the light from the lantern flickered. Silent whispers echoed around him. He turned to look, only to find the landscape just as dull as it had always been. He could barely hear what they were saying but regardless, he knew that they were calling for him. The invisible choir moved closer and the flame danced chaotically, until it was at last put out. The soothing yellow light had been replaced by a red hot flame, the sole purpose of which was that of destruction. The voices escalated from a mild yet vicious whispering to a mighty roar and he was hurled into a world of darkness. He struggled to force open his eyes, but it was as though they had been fused together by some invisible force and when he at last managed to open them, he was greeted by a horrific scene. The clothes he had received from the mysterious package no longer resembled anything he had previously seen. The brown leather had turned into a black scolding hot substance that seemed attached to his body as if it were some form of glue. He felt the wounds on his body reopen. The bandages were red and moist with blood yet the flow showed no sign of ever ceasing. The lantern, upon which he had relied, differed as well. Black oily fumes oozed out of the once so bright candle and darkness would be the new master. The glue-like substance on his body scorched his skin and slowly made its way into his body. The pain was unbearable, however, he did not scream. Although it required him to endure a pain, intangible to the human mind, he had sworn that he was not to act as one of them. At last, he fell to the ground and was taken to the realms of the unconscious.
“Hello, my good sir… all you alright”? The words echoed within his dark mind. They had penetrated his walls and forced his consciousness to return once again. “Hello” repeated the voice, which seemed to belong to a man. As he attempted to open his eyes and wake up, he felt his mind being drawn further back, pulled into the abyss of his psyche. Slowly, the words seemed more distant, until they were but a figment of his retreating memory. However, something took hold of his soul and made a furious turn in order to reach consciousness. He opened his eyes. In front of him stood a tall man. He was dwarfed by this huge man, as he was at least twice his size. The giant wore a flawless armor of steel, decorated with various emblems and medals. His head was concealed by a great steel helmet. In his right hand, he held a great sword, infused with unknown powers, and his left was extended towards the visitor in a friendly manner.
“Who are you?” he asked the knight.
“I am a friend. Better yet, I am your brother. And together we shall conquer this blasted mountain! Now take my hand!”
The pain from earlier was completely gone and he felt relieved. He grabbed the armoured hand and managed to stand up. Until now, he had not noticed the huge white stallion that had stood silent just a few inches to the knight’s left. They got up on the horse and he noticed that it was not at all bothered by the immense weight on its shoulders. They continued towards the summit of the world, as hope made its treacherous way into their unknowing hearts.
The visitor, as the knight had called him, had been given a simple set clothes and a small shining dagger before they set off on their journey. Not many words were spoken at first, but as time passed, he began feeling more at ease in the knight’s presence, and listened to what he had to say. The knight told an intense story, describing the Outside in detail, painting a vivid image of this dreaded world.
“These dark shades you see, they are in fact souls, lost souls, beyond redemption. They strayed from the path of awakening and the price had to be paid. They, like us, struggled to reach the summit but gave in to earthly temptations and so they were doomed to walk the Outside without cause or will, lost souls in a sleepless nightmare.”
The armoured man continued as before but something caught his attention. In his pocket, by the dagger, he felt something move. He reached for it and noticed to his horror that it was the crumbled piece of paper that the merchant had given him. He unfolded it; the message was in black ink and gave an impression of having been written by someone in great pain. It read:
“The walls have fallen. You lie naked before the darkness. Embrace it”. He stared at it in silence and the knight turned to see why he had been so indifferent to his magnificent tale. However, when he saw the crumbled piece of paper in the visitor’s hand, his smile faded and his face hardened.
“Give me that... Immediately!” The tone of the knight’s voice possessed none of the previous friendliness but was now stern and resolute. The visitor knew that he would not even hesitate to use force in order to get what he demanded. He obeyed and as the knight’s hand touched it, the world suddenly became increasingly darker making it almost impossible to see more than a few steps ahead.
“I cannot take you any further. You have brought nothing but evil to this place. I hope this barren hell treats you with the same “kindness”, as it did to them!” The knight made a gesture to the lost shades beneath them.
He was confused by this sudden turn of events, but before he was able to say anything the stallion made a turn and threw him off its back. When he finally managed to stand up, the horse and the knight were long gone.
The sharp rocks penetrated his thin clothing almost immediately and his feet were covered with fresh wounds. Blood painted the ground where his feet had been. The curious thing was, however, that he did not feel any pain. The burden of physical suffering had been lifted off his shoulders. He smiled as the rocks kept digging further and further into his bare feet; nothing was left to distract him; all that remained was him and his inevitable goal. The dagger, he had received earlier, was no longer in his pocket, but was deeply embedded in his chest, and despite his attempts to pull it out, the dagger would not be moved. The sky had returned to its previous apathetic state, and the gray clouds lay heavier than ever over him, as he proceeded towards his goal.
He saw it. After several days of continuous walking, he finally saw it, the summit of the mountain, his final destination. A narrow road crept up the almost vertically inclining rock. There was no point in waiting any further; this was to be finished once and for all.
It was not without difficulty that he climbed the treacherous mountain. He watched as his hands and legs were gradually torn apart by the sharp surface, and he understood that his journey was about to end without success. However, the summit was not far now. He saw the white clouds that surrounded it. A bright light penetrated them from within, as if though they concealed a white sun. Rays of white light broke out from the clouds as they dissolved. He was in awe before these spectra of luminous spirits, and he let go of his hold. He plummeted to the ground; to where it all had begun, to his past. He shut his eyes and let the wind carry him to wherever he was meant to be. He felt nothing. As opened his eyes, he realized that he did in fact, not fall. Two angelic hands embraced him. He turned his head to see the most beautiful creature in the world.
She was everything and she was nothing. All his dreams and visions had merged to create this goddess. She held within her, everything that had once been and everything that would ever be. The same white light surrounded her, though brighter and more intense. A thousand spirits of love surrounded her, dancing around their divine leader. In the centre of this orgy of light, danced the spirit of the celestial beauty that had saved him. He touched her. All the light that had been within her now surrounded them both. He cried as he felt his spirit replenished and his sins forgiven. They embraced each other and he felt her heart pounding gently against his, as they became one. Nothing else existed now, no summit, no Outside, none of that mattered. He loved her. He loved as deeply as the husband loves his wife. He loved as tenderly as the father loves his child. He loved as unconditionally and with such naivety as the son loves his mother. He felt that she loved him back. As their lips finally touched, she vanished. Where had once been the most beautiful of angels was now nothing but empty space. He plummeted to the abyss.
He reached the underbelly of the Outside, the very abyss that resided within the heart of the mountain. No longer was the landscape grey and open. Black and red reigned this hellish place. Chaotic images swirled around him, memories, dreams, visions of the past. Small insectoid creatures appeared around him, creeping up his body gnawing on his flesh. The images appeared faster now, until at last it was impossible for him to tell them apart. Together, they formed his life from beginning to end. The horrible memories he had carried with him from Home; the lost ambitions and the shattered dreams. Finally he succumbed. He let forth a terrifying scream. It was not a product of physical pain; it was the shriek of his soul being torn apart. It transcended his very being until all that remained was this manifestation of torment. Just before the orchestra of pain reached its fatal climax, he was hurled back into reality, back to the Outside.
The surface was plain and smooth and the air was thin. Great white orbs floated above him casting an almost blinding white light upon him. He was in the summit of this gray giant. He had reached his goal. Three figures appeared in front of him and when he was at last able to discern their shapes he realized who they were. One, a burly tall man, the other, a huge armoured warrior and his steed, the third, a white saint surrounded by sparks of purest light. Something was different, however. Their eyes possessed not the warmth they had once done. They were darker, almost on the verge of black, and they all smiled intensely. Their smiles did not, however, convey the least bit glee; they resembled the smiles, worn by fallen men pleasuring themselves in their agony. They moved slowly in his direction and as they drew nearer, he could not resist their immense power. He fell to his knees and wept. He wept for his past, for Home and for the forsaken, but most of all he wept for his own fate, for he knew now what was to come. When reached the kneeling man, they stopped.
“Choose your fate”, whispered the angel, whom he had loved so dearly.
Images were presented to him, depicting his life in Home. He saw his beautiful house. He saw his wife and his two daughters. He saw the green parks and gentle brooks. He saw himself surrounded by a world, he knew in his heart he did not deserve. The images changed; they were more recent. It was images from his time in the Outside. He saw the blooded paths, the horrible betrayals, the apathetic skies. As this went on, the three chanted with trembling voices.
“Choose your fate!”
Finally, he decided. He screamed with all the strength he could muster:
“Home! I want to return to the comfort of Home! The seas and mountains and beautiful colours. Take me back! I have no place in this hell!”
He woke up after what seemed to be several days of sleeping. He felt at ease. Pain and suffering haunted him no more. He was at last to return to his beloved Home. He opened his eyes and to his horror he saw that the landscape was still barren and dead. Gray still ruled over it and nothing seemed to be able to live here. In front of him lay a crumbled piece of paper. He reached for it. Once again had the message been altered. It now read:
“Only through the darkest of black, can one reach the purest of light."
Panic seized his mind and more than anything he wished to escape. Everything was chaos and he felt that he was about to lose consciousness. Slowly, the panic and fear disappeared and were replaced by a soothing feeling. His body did no longer consist of flesh and blood; his physical being had dissolved and in its stead, floated a transparent, darker, version of his previous self. And as time passed, he ceased to think completely; his mind drifted off to a more benevolent world, to Home, while his lifeless shade was doomed to walk the barren land for all eternity.
(p.s I'm not trying to be fake-humble or modest...but it really isn't that good and I'm aware of it, however there exists a few elements which I enjoy...)
Live your life as you. Let your inner beast rule your thoughts. Become engulfed in your own primal instincts and live solely for the purpose of You. No more lies. No more false excuses. Accept who you are and become truly and utterly "Free".
You have the power to chose
- Abrahamus Micolae iterating the imperial truth on the battleship, "the vengeful spirit
Pre futurum
Plus ça change...
also, im working on a short story, three pages thus far..
adieu, and carry forth the revolution, comrades!
come a suit ra?
There is indeed a devil in me, but not the devil you see; the devil you see, consists solely of three and has nothing to do with me.
There is indeed a God within, whose sacrificial sin, leaves a black tooth grin and a scarred within.
Nothing exists for nothing's sake for no one knows what nothing knows except the ones who have known the realm of nothing
victory loves prudence
Evil as a murderer's dream"
We are all insane. Some, however,wish to conceal their true identities and thus emerges the reason for our society's current downfall.
Products of production
I realize then and there that i'm nothing but a figment of someone, or something's, imagination. That every word I speak, including these ones right in this very moment, are merely products of the collective mind. The collective mind was once a conjoined being before time and space emerged through the big bang roughly 15 billion years ago. It was chaos, or entropy, that caused it to dissolve and the battle has yet not ceased. Entropy will ultimately come out victorious as every single particle will be separated from one another and it is futile to resist it. However the tide will once again turn and again will positive energies take over and we will once again be part of the collective whole. Entropy is what we call satan. Note that I'm not argueing that that alone makes it(him) evil.
As I walked home from my dad's apartment after once again seing Real Madrid lose the annual battle, I accomplished many things. Seeing that it was dark and past midnight, the streets were mainly abandoned. There were of course the occasional loner wandering, but none of them seemed to notice me. I jumped several obstacles which I would normally not even consider attempting, however, that is not to say that the altitudes reached were the least bit impressing, but nevertheless it made me feel good. I also saw how the collective thinking of mankind could only lead to its downfall and how our lives, individually, were contingent upon how conformoristic we were. I spat at our crystalline world and attempted to contact satan, although that in its superficial form is impossible, simply the act of self indulgence leads to a state of higher consciousness. Or at least the illusion of a higher consciousness.