dance of dawn
How I despise these little twats and their caretakers. Their insectoid symbiosis being the only thing keeping them alive. The only thing allowing them to breathe. Both producer and product, so dependent on eachother that the removal of one would mean the death of the other. Money. Power. Wealth. All these are vain substitutes for the real drug: self indulgence..
How we strive to feel awed and loved. How we feast on the happiness of others. How we wish to surf the waves....but alas, the tide will turn..
...And he continued towards the sun, taking no notice of his melting wings
Mistress Aceton
This man we know of as Micolus is making futile attempts to remove the nail polish on his nails.
Yes...this strange mixture of purple, black and red is to be removed and replaced by dull semitransparent nail-grey.
scraping away.
"I've tried everything lord, everything! But it just won't do. The nail polish has been allowed to ravage the previously so immaculate nails for too long and now it's too late. Only mistress Aceton can help us now"
unless we scrape thoroughly, the poisonous polish will forever rule over the nails.'s....too....fucking...late
YES (1969) is a superb album by prog rock legends Yes.
with awelike songs such as:
-Every Little Thing
-Harold Land
-I See You
High Hopes
This song puts me to tears. Pink floyd are musical Gods. Thank you.
"Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There's a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we've been so many times"
In a dream I cannot see
Three Gods in Time
And by the tables sits three divines
Three gods in time
Chanting and cheering their cheerful song
In blissful peace they dine
Drinking to eternal health
To perpetual dreams of awe
To the ceasing of the running sand
and the ceasing of the law
But all is not well in blissful land
For darkness has emerged
Within the heart of these divines
From bliss they shall be purged
Lady luck was first to fall
Her shallow dreams have gone
The die of fate, upon the table cast
Shaded by the sun
Lord of Joy, a smile sublime
Was second to succumb
To the chilling hand of sorrow
No longer known as numb
Mistress of love, beauteous and free
The last one reaped by fate
Torn out from eternal glee
Replaced by that of hate
And by the table sits three divines
Three gods in time
Wailing and mourning their mournful song
In dark distress they dine
Random turmoil builds in me
Emancipation is the only drug worth injecting.
The addiction to the others is too mighty for a mere mortal.
Anywhere, anywhere but here
Empty hat
These men are born out of anguish
Hurled into this dark world
These men escaped their chains and fled their graves
These men deciphered the indecipherable and illuminated the shadows
These men were above other men. These men ruled the earth
They stripped the world of its mask
No longer would men hide behind their roles
Everywhere roamed naked actors begging their newfound masters to create another stage
To write another act. To direct the herd
These men cared not for such distractions.
These men cared only to fill the black void inside them
The world was no different
But no longer would there be any veils
They lived in a dark world
Where the deafening roar of the eternal wheel forced them to succumb
Where the ferocious cogs slammed into one another causing the earth to shift
Where nature was just another name for this mighty machine
An unyielding clockwork whose sole purpose was the absence of purpose.
Whose sole aspiration was the absence of aspiration
The men lay naked on the floor begging their masters to return them to their blissful peace
But expose the magician and no longer will the shadows conceal him
Their sole wish was to once again bleat along to their never-ending song
Where would you rather be?
School once again pumps my blood. My blue beautiful blood...
Three things to be done in the near future. Then what? freedom? I would not think so...
Anywho, enjoying my sparetime at least. I purchased oblivion a couple of hours ago. Bought, Michael, bought! juice yet. Maybe it is required of me to ascend before the juice of awe is to be given to me.
Yup...I smashed 'em; they came back
"We read to know that we're not alone" mmh
Flying Dutchman
Cause I'm the green manalishi with the two pronged crown
so you think you can tell
You're never gonna die.
compensate me
animate me
complicate me
elevate me
So it came to be that Micolus left the earth and ascended to the stars. Forty days after his revival. myes.
FUCK ME IM BORING. It is as Zola cannot produce anything of relevance if one is not emotionally or psychologically damaged. Which I am by the way. Yet I..I
oh fuck me im tired and I hate this blog shit it's driving me nuts
adieu, and P fucking S: This E-Interacting is driving me nuts. I'll be going to the various servers around the world in order to shut down internet, anyone care to join me?
ooh addiction
In perspective.
I have quite some things to do this week and so I shall not write. Perhaps I will contradict my previous statement to prove my abilities in the field of foresight futile. We shall see.
I want to remain in this summit, forever scrutinizing your moves. Beauty.
The angel descended, and took us by our hands.
Truth is though. . .
Our lives have been written. We have just not yet acquired the proper tools to read them yet.
Deos oro, sed frustra
Dii me iubunt, sed frustra
Everything was nothing. It was upon this sole statement that his world was built. He was in a coma, and in this coma nothing existed. He lay in the green grass, surrounded by soothing smells. He knew nothing of the real world. He knew nothing of the green grass. He was well within his own mind and he had no desire to look outside. How long had he been lying there? It did not seem to matter, for time itself had lost its importance and so he lay there, in the green grass, floating on the clouds of his own creations.
Something called for him from an unrecognizable source. The walls of his mind seemed to echo with its powerful voice. Although there were no actual words spoken, the voice conveyed a cascade of feelings and thoughts to his world of non-existence. It told him of the real world, of grass, forests and of animals. It told him of beauty and of warmth, and as it continued he realized that he felt these emotions. He became aware of his physical body. He felt the motherly embrace of the green grass. His lungs were filled with fresh air and the smells were astonishing. As he inhaled the very essence of nature he felt that he was completely calm. This was a lot better than his dreams and his thoughts. Mother Nature had conjured things, to him unimaginable; things, which would leave even the greatest of poets in awe.
He opened his eyes and rose from his position and stood up on the smooth grass. The surrounding animals were astonished with this sudden revival and they stood in awe of this break of the routine. He was running, saluting the animals in a childish fashion, openly expressing his joy.
There was much of the world left to see and to explore but he was contented with what he had begun to know and feel comfortable with. As time passed, he eventually felt as one with his surroundings and understood that he was now a vital part of its existence. Not so long after his revival, time once again became fluid and once again did the lines between reality and dream dissolve and he was plunged into the realm of unconsciousness. He had entered his second coma.
Again the voice trembled. However, it was sterner now, as if to tell him that it was of grave importance for him to listen carefully. Once again it did not speak in words. It told him of wonders and of miracles. It told him of improvement and of victory. As it spoke, a shape appeared in front of him. It managed to enter his beautiful realm. It was a black figure. Though the voice did not alter in tone or form he could see that the source of it was no longer unidentifiable; it came from the figure’s mouth. The black messenger disappeared in a chaotic turmoil and when the smoke had cleared, nothing was left to tell of its existence but a huge black book. Naturally, he reached for the book. It was a beautiful piece of art, with several complex symbols and paintings on the cover. As he opened the book, it exploded in the sounds of a million voices. These voice took complete dominion of his mind and he was infused with its dark message. The sound that rose from the book was an orchestra of sobbing, wailing voices crying in pain and agony. They warned him not to open the book. He, of course, disregarded this warning and proceeded.
There were no words, only blank pages. Even they held some form of tacit beauty and he was intrigued by the exquisite inscriptions on the front cover. Suddenly, while he was admiring one certain symbol, the book forced itself open and letters appeared on the previously blank pages. It was written violently and the black ink, though intriguing and beautiful, made him feel severe unease .
He read.
It told him of everything. He learned the concept of time, the laws of physics, and the secrets of the universe. He saw how blind and stupefied he had been, and he shuddered at the very thought of his comatose self. As he read, the day turned into night, a phenomena he had never seen before, but which he completely understood now that it took place. Although the darkness would normally make reading impossible, the light from his eyes enabled him to continue with his research. There would no longer be darkness, for he had created light. There would no longer be grief, for he had created happiness. And no longer would there be death, for he had conquered it. It was noticed by the animals that it was not until after him reading the book that tragedies and death became reality. There would no longer be fantasy, there would only be facts.
A certain passage in the book told him of his surroundings and of the undiscovered. Although it had a very vivid and exact description of the earth he stood upon, its focus lay in the skies. It was the tales of the stars, the moon and the vast cosmos that caught his attention. He remembered learning, in the early days, about hope and aspiration. As he read further about the mysterious skies, he began to realize that the moon and the stars were the manifestations of these particular aspects of the human mind. As this realization illuminated him, the black ink disappeared into the blank pages and the book vanished. It did not matter; he was all too intrigued by his recent discoveries to let his attention be caught by anything but his own dreams.
He stared at the sky, not moving one inch. He admired it in silence. Constellations formed in front of him and the stars were given meanings. They became symbols of his dreams and wishes. The world changed around him. The nature, which he had been a part of decayed around him, betrayed by his neglect. It did not matter; his focus was elsewhere. The animals looked at him in their grief begging him to return, but it was for naught. He had entered his third coma.
He had not turned his gaze from the stars since he first discovered them and the world he was still physically a part of turned to dispose of him. Slowly, the grass around his feet crawled up his body and around his neck. The green thick collar pulled him towards the ground leaving the rest to the earth. The ground, upon which he lay, opened and he was devoured by the green earth. All was now well, and his body had merged with that of the earth. His soul, however, would not rest; it would forever dream of the stars above.