"Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law"
Oh today is such a great day - may the Gods smite me down if what I speak is untrue!
There has been a breach in the system, caused by something very strange and powerful, and in it flows showing no remorse over the barren lands it washes. It is indeed of the washing kind, for it is liquid and it is cleansing; it is an overflow of positive and beautiful energy. Wave after wave the Gods spilled in their revered juices, as my tiny figure devoured as much as was physically possible.
What happened then, doc?
I'll tell you what! Life happened, and it's happening still! In the ever increasing haze of acceleration that is May, I have started focusing on certain elements of the future. Such as... MOVING THE FUCK OUUT!!! YAAAA :333
So, like the good boy that I consider myself to be, I went down into the gaping hell also known as the fucking storage space to gather artifacts for iHome. It was literally filled to the brim and it took me ages to dig my way through the endless hordes of unwanted and abandoned things. So, as you could imagine, it was quite the feeling standing there alone on top of a mountain of waste holding in my hands the most beauteous of treasures:
This is what I managed to get during my scavenger hunt:
VHS Movies - 10 or so nostalgic items of the past. Episodes of Pokemon and like Rush Hour and stuff ^^
Old Photoes and nostalgic books
A NINTENDO64 INTACT WITH ALL CABLES - one working controller and 9 games, all of them ace (Zelda OoT, MarioParty1, MarioParty2, MarioKart, Mario64, Pokemon Stadium2, Mariogolf, Pokemon Snap, Supersmash bros.)
Football and badminton stuff ^^
An old dysfunctional string instrument xD
and A FUCKING Keyboard ala synth!
And now, some eating with a lovely friend, venturing down to meet others, buying bacon, chilling
I am overwhelmed... adieu
I... *masturbating* can't... *masturbating* stop... *masturbating* MASTURBATING TO HOW FUCKING EPIC LIFE CAN BE!
Once I dreamed I was freakishly tall, living in a village so freakishly small.
Look guise wat I found on the t00b:
"Discussing on the internet is like handicap OL.
Even if you win, you're still retarded." - The Internetz
We want to thank you on behalf of the digital hive. Even through the anarchy, our inconstant mind may forge treasures worthy of only those who seek. Spread the word of the Win, and we shall move towards a glorious future in my never ending calendar.
Sitting in the sand to watch the fireworks display.
Ok, so just a few couple of notes:
Get OFF OF ME you foolish dog - my teet is not thine to suckle
But of course you are nothing compared to THAT.
That which fastens like glue and feeds like a vulture. That which was not worthy to be named. It must face its judgement and then, if it still remains lurking the halls, it must be purged with fire, so that its likes may never attempt another fruitless invasion on my lands.
Let's just have some fun today though. After all, it is a special day to say the least :)
God! A triceratops week has been slain in front of an admiring empire. Two tests of severe self limitation, forcing me to temporarily chisel my transparent mind into a crystalline white pillar of order. I carried out their objective morality and did little to disturb their collective harmony, all the while knowing that even my fellow inmates are subject to their will and cannot not aid me in the counter attack.
Then a presentation. My last "real one" so to speak (I have like two more but that will only be me reading a poem like). And it was as mediocre as I had hoped for it to be!
A phat one and a retrieved mp3 (named "The Micolus' Psychosomatic Machine") decorates this daily house, as the weekend appears ascending from the far off horizon. Everything is glorious and I couldn't be better :D
Awareness is key in understanding the ways of our mind. There are many, and very good arguments as to why awareness of the Self should be avoided, (The very lie altruism is based upon) stating very believably that full awareness will inevitably cause apathy. Personally, I feel that instead of using awareness as a reshaping tool, it is far more enjoyable to use it for observation and the occasional nudge in this or that direction. (Naturally, in order for us to even be, there must exist within our minds certain fix-points or values - something causing us to act)
When we are faced with a situation that holds several different emotional outcomes, a process starts within us.
Let’s say that there appears in your head two possible futures in this particular instance, one of these being the planned or hitherto expected future, while the other is for example the unlikely possibility of a much darker one.
These two parallel worlds, or futures, will run alongside each other, their size determined only by our own severely inaccurate grading systems. The darker one, if it is a minority, will cause a dent in your latent emotional state. The dent will produce damage as long as the possibility is still active - you will live in two worlds. Often the probability of the alternate world decreases with time giving it the structure of an exponentially negative (how negative is contingent upon amplitude on this particular wave) curve. Except repression, which is like putting the emotional price on a tab, there are as I see it, three different ways to repair an emotional damage – or rather, stop the flow of the emotional bleeding in your latent Self. Yes, your latent state is indeed a being within you, the mind, the time conceiving, the psychoactive – and it too needs to be fed (although my utopian vision contains a lot more somatic energy, the mind is still the truly powerful one and if let, will devour the body. It must be fed and kept happy for the divine satanic dance to continue). Oh, the three possible ways of reparation:
- In order for the bleeding to cease, you can find different ways to falsify the parallel universe (regardless of its importance; it might be the possibility that an e-mail doesn’t reach its recipient, as well as it may be the possibility of death when you find yourself in the middle of the pacific ocean surrounded only by the emptiness of God). You can either use deduction to dig your way to a possible falsification, then test it – or you can stumble upon it. Note that awareness is needed here as well in order to perceive the falsification, thus relieving you of the latent debt.
- Forget the possibility ever showed up. The mind will eventually throw away this information and label it as unlikely or untrue. The time it takes to forget depends on how horrible of a future it was, the subjectively calculated probability of the universe to occur and how much of the individual’s focus is directed at his preparational self, his apollonian ideal. [Forgetting an instant emotional damage follows a similar procedure]
- Lastly, the possibility can be verified, when shit actually happens,thus causing pain in the form of an instant emotional damage, repairable only by forgetting (or in a few cases denying).
As you might have noticed, this applies just as well to a parallel world which is welcomed or even sought by the individual, rather than feared. All you need to do is to imagine the complete opposite of what has been written above. ( verify->falsify horrible->terrific and so on)
Four stages:
Fear – Rage – Laughter – Happiness
Fear and happiness being direct reactions to perceived latent state, while the direct emotional state give rise to the far more strong reactions rage and laughter. Which of these doubled reactions you choose is of course varying and largely dependent on your position on the Apollonian-Dionysian scale.
A society of latent increase made by the flesh of an apathetic population in latent decay.
As all the world turns to cataclysmic shit around me, I'm sitting here reading a fucking worthless GIANT wall of text. Deluded masters strike with blunt force (supposedly subtle) and horn headed jews reach for the remainings of my torn asunder pockets. It is in this shitstorm, where my mind is nothing but a brute dog and my emotional state is hazey and confused, that a great little miracle appears to cast new light upon an awful day.
Mr. Music Player, I shall come and get you first thing tomorrow! No more shall these ears be tormented with the pressing silence of an empty world - no more!
And the words were just piling up one after another, my mind not having the slightest chance to breathe or digest what was being said. It talked until the words seem to melt beyond recognition into the sticky slimy glue which was supposedly the content of its lecture. Some random well needed interruption was granted me in my dire hour, just as that horrible voice was burrowing its way through my last defenses.
I closed the doors to my temple of war, turned inwards, and traveled back home to contemplate this horror. Is this how human beings interact? By practically vomiting out whatever mental intestines active at the time? By (skillfully so, I might add) linking together word after word without there really springing to life a new and higher meaning? The sentences as a whole seem to carry little or no meaning beyond the individual meaning of the words it exists of - and isn't this a great failure for the race who supposedly master the magic of communication?
For these types of hollow preachers to exist, and in such majority, it seems safe to assume that there are those who can actually stand to at least temporarily wear the role of listener. Now, for these people to find what is being said the slightest bit intelligible, there needs to be some form of structure in the flurry of random words literally spilling out of these people. The solution here is to frequently make use of and resort to various moral or pseudo factual cliches, created by man as a gift to stupid man.
And I learned a valuable lesson. Whenever these horrible people come unto me, I pay no attention to the words they speak but focus instead on the tone in which they are speaking and the cliche phrases they utilize.
Then my eyes were locked upon this very blog. words words words - seemingly purposeless, tedious and devoid of a higher meaning. Its just... l2p the fucking game ;]
Today, one of the characters with whom I have been placed, marked the climax of his/her own demise. It was so subtle, so indefinite and so beautiful :)
I enjoy this new era. Perhaps it's still just the initial excitement (and inevitable glorification) that has managed to maintain my interest[in life] throughout these past days, but one is always allowed to dream right? Oh yes it has been fun - not at all like past times where waiting meant fading away in a rotting fucking basement of festering darkness. The waiting now is more explicitly part of a greater whole, causing a positive effect on the latent-meter, which in its turn grants me small doses of happiness whenever I should need them. Since it is a period of readying oneself for a fairly unknown future and not actually "living" per se, there are negative episodes as well. These are, though intense, however not lasting nor frequently occurring.
I am boring when I am gleeful (or in any way +neut), so I should leave with my new found goggles on, and explore(exploit) new lands!
Deny, ignore, accept, endorse
These are your options and your tools, use them wisely
Hey so I decided to write a novel. Or at least the beginning of one. I will post the prologue here but then I won't show anyone anything til its finished, if it ever will be.
Untitled Prologue:
"Oh don't flatter yourself, you ignorant fool. These insects don't care about you."
He had lain there in the summer grass floating in an immaterial ocean when suddenly these words interrupted his playful mind. A few insects
had crept along his way and he had, playful as he was, contemplated what they might have thought of him. Gleeful images appeared in his
fantasies, where the insects considered him a grand and humble being - majestic even - whose wisdom was utterly beyond theirs; he thought so, for he knew that this was how he himself would have considered a grand being of equivalent might. And it was right there, as his ideal self served generous dictator to his accepting followers, that the powerful voice crushed the illusive glass, and reality turned into a dark and empty room. He thought for a while, walking to and fro in the room which he now had determined to be quite small, and then he answered the invisible one:
"I do not know who you are or where you have come from. Least of all do I know why you have sought me, but in this short period of miracles I have witnessed, you are the lesser. Do you mean to say that they would look at me with disgust for all which I and my race have done towards them? I really don't think that insects understand concepts such as pollution or industrialization. It seems to me that these insects would rather appreciate or perhaps fear the incredible might of my being as compared to theirs, does it not?"
His eyes had slowly started to regain some sight, and he could clearly discern a large sculpture of a face, gazing down upon him from the
ceiling. It spoke again, and he thought it more fearsome this time:
"Do you really expect these insects to pay attention to You? Do you think they even know of your existence as a complete and alive being? Do
you even think they comprehend any concept beyond their material world of primitive instinct? These beings, which your race has simply
chosen to classify as "alive", are not capable of grasping the concept of good or bad, nor are they able to fathom feelings such as "majestic" or "powerful", these ideas are exclusive to the human race - on this planet at least. You are perceived by them as a giant moving object, as large as their frame of vision allows you to be. And such is the irony of intellect; you, as an intelligent being, consider the primitive insect as having a part of your greatness, as being alive, while the insect remains completely ignorant of your vast reality, and sees you as even lower than itself. And similarly, does the modern man fail to see the might of an even larger congregation of the psyche - a society if you will - of the mind. You are nothing to the insects, as you are nothing to the world, and you must realize this for the process to begin."
"Are you my burning bush? My great revelation? Is this the message I should bring about to the world?"
"Associating me with any sort of deity is perhaps aesthetically delicious but far from the truth - your truth, at least. And again, don't
flatter yourself; your revelation isn't at all prophetic, for prophecies, are one sided."
"Why else have you then come to me, if not to channel your will to bring about truth among the people?"
"Don't be so dramatic, I came because you decided that I would. I came because you created me. I am but the glimpse of the eternal in your
otherwise material mind. But I am also the very Satanic force you need in order to act and create. I am everything, yet only a fraction of
your mind."
The reality which I was now beginning to doubt came rushing back to me. I was totally baked out of my mind, and the guys were sitting there
as if nothing had happened.
"Oh don't flatter yourself, you ignorant fool. These insects don't care about you."
He had lain there in the summer grass floating in an immaterial ocean when suddenly these words interrupted his playful mind. A few insects had crept along his way and he had, playful as he was, contemplated what they might have thought of him. Gleeful images appeared in his fantasies, where the insects considered him a grand and humble being - majestic even - whose wisdom was utterly beyond theirs; he thought so, for he knew that this was how he himself would have considered a grand being of equivalent might. And it was right there, as his ideal self served generous dictator to his accepting followers, that the powerful voice crushed the illusive glass, and reality turned into a dark and empty room. He thought for a while, walking to and fro in the room which he now had determined to be quite small, and then he answered the invisible one:
"I do not know who you are or where you have come from. Least of all do I know why you have sought me, but in this short period of miracles I have witnessed, you are the lesser. Do you mean to say that they would look at me with disgust for all which I and my race have done towards them? I really don't think that insects understand concepts such as pollution or industrialization. It seems to me that these insects would rather appreciate or perhaps fear the incredible might of my being as compared to theirs, does it not?"
His eyes had slowly started to regain some sight, and he could clearly discern a large sculpture of a face, gazing down upon him from the ceiling. It spoke again, and he thought it more fearsome this time:
"Do you really expect these insects to pay attention to You? Do you think they even know of your existence as a complete and alive being? Do you even think they comprehend any concept beyond their material world of primitive instinct? These beings, which your race has simply chosen to classify as "alive", are not capable of grasping the concept of good or bad, nor are they able to fathom feelings such as "majestic" or "powerful", these ideas are exclusive to the human race - on this planet at least. You are perceived by them as a giant moving object, as large as their frame of vision allows you to be. And such is the irony of intellect; you, as an intelligent being, consider the primitive insect as having a part of your greatness, as being alive, while the insect remains completely ignorant of your vast reality, and sees you as even lower than itself. And similarly, does the modern man fail to see the might of an even larger congregation of the psyche - a society if you will - of the mind. You are nothing to the insects, as you are nothing to the world, and you must realize this for the process to begin."
"Are you my burning bush? My great revelation? Is this the message I should bring about to the world?"
"Associating me with any sort of deity is perhaps aesthetically delicious but far from the truth - your truth, at least. And again, don't flatter yourself; your revelation isn't at all prophetic, for prophecies, are one sided."
"Why else have you then come to me, if not to channel your will to bring about truth among the people?"
"Don't be so dramatic, I came because you decided that I would. I came because you created me. I am but the glimpse of the eternal in your otherwise material mind. But I am also the very Satanic force you need in order to act and create. I am everything, yet only a fraction of your mind."
The reality which I was now beginning to doubt came rushing back to me. I was totally baked out of my mind, and the guys were sitting there as if nothing had happened.
(The dots are ridiculous but necessary because the combination between my computer and this shitty site is horrible)
A Society of Devils indeliberately forced upon them the oppressive mask of the Jesuite mind.
Satan, whose somatic realm grows stronger with each day, came unto me with a seductive smile. The ordered chaos, the one true pillar within an ocean of instinctual rage and lust - seemed rather amused by what he saw, when he finally got a chance to enter our Home. A sanctuary of peace within the eternal battle of good and evil. A final place to conquer, Satan thought.
In the peaceful room sat God on his mighty throne, gazing exhaustedly on the events below. The throne, which had served seat for the Holy Father for several aeons, was incredibly large in contrast and seemed to devour the tiny Lord of Virtue. Its shape and size told of a time much more prosperous for the Holy ones and perhaps it was even so, that once God was actually so vast as to fill hius majestic seat.
So they met, Satan and God, in what was their first encounter since the Puppeteer wars, in the most unlikely of places: The House of the Congregation of Man. The new abstract divinity who has broken free from the one sidedness of the dualist legions.
A Society of Devils indeliberately forced upon them the oppressive mask of the Jesuite mind.
Satan, whose somatic realm grows stronger with each day, came unto me with a seductive smile. The ordered chaos, the one true pillar within an ocean of instinctual rage and lust - seemed rather amused by what he saw, when he finally got a chance to enter our Home. A sanctuary of peace within the eternal battle of good and evil. A final place to conquer, Satan thought.
In the peaceful room sat God on his mighty throne, gazing exhaustedly on the events below. The throne, which had served seat for the Holy Father for several aeons, was incredibly large in contrast and seemed to devour the tiny Lord of Virtue. Its shape and size told of a time much more prosperous for the Holy ones and perhaps it was even so, that once God was actually so vast as to fill hius majestic seat.
So they met, Satan and God, in what was their first encounter since the Puppeteer wars, in the most unlikely of places: The House of the Congregation of Man. The new abstract divinity who has broken free from the one sidedness of the dualist legions.
Unfounded and unenvisioned, lay the thousand paper shards strewn across the unmade bed, as if to symbolize the very futility of its mere existence. Skye thought to herself, what if all of this which is crossing my mind right now, is in reality just a beautiful extension of my extraordinary self? What if all of this, which I have labeled as good or bad in the worldly induced process of compartmentalizing the brain, is only temporary, and not infinite truth? What if all of this which I have preached and fought for, is just a malevolent trick played upon me by the abstract Gods of our time, and that I have been losing out on a life, much greater than this one ever could be.
Skye walked onwards contemplating the very foundations of her disproved existence
Honoraries of my presidence, reputed of my council and hailed by my masses - I present to thee the most epic of quotes from the most epic of series.
This quote is from Six Feet Under (sorry rab :/), and is not of the spoiling kind. IT is simply a part of a minor discussion of no relevance to the plot whatsoever. This is indeed also what makes it so important to show - THIS is just what their simple dialogue is like - YOU SHOULD SEE THE PLOT! It is hands down the best thing I've ever seen so far...
Billie Says:
"You know, there are plenty of places where a kid dying is pretty common, but we can't handle that because a dead child is the greatest failure to a culture that believes that it has reversed the order of nature..."
It doesn't sound as good when written and out of context... fuck :/ awesome fucking series though :D
The problem lies within, and herein lies the problem
You are the problem, for not willing to trust enough I am the problem, for not being able to give enough You are my problem My objective and my goal As I am yours
We are together the problem When we cannot seem to act Leaving the world as an unfinished dish Claiming that we are satisfied And truly full
The world is the problem For not letting us eat Till our needs are fully met And our bellies fully fed That we may walk away In silence
The problem is very problematic And indeed very frustrating For to overcome the problem One must prevail alone Against the first of its doubled faces And only wish, that beyond reality's curtain The second falls as well
Until the wall is torn apart turning two into one - making the world just a tiny bit more crystalline
A sinister saint laughs at me from her marble throne. Green gadgets have arrived alongside the merchant caravans. Naked souls fade into their ecstatic dream world, as the material world around them lumbers on.
Today I stood face to face with a squirrel. It looked at me as if it had first been doing something secretive and very devious being caught in the act, and it didn’t seem to move for minutes. As I daringly challenged the beast, it escaped my mighty clutches and disappeared beyond my sight. I said: squirrel beast! If that is indeed thy true name, or the name you have chosen to bear; I challenge thee! Thou shalt see that thy wicked attempts prove futile against my minion mind. My underlings will defeat you AND I SHALL not equip the power of physical strength, for that is indeed beyond a human. I shall defeat thee with wit, as is the legacy of my race.
I just returned from a marvelous journey. I had left the bed with an artifact in my hand. After feigning a friend’s call so as to trick my silenced mother, I went out to be greeted by an astonishing sight. Awestricken and shaken as I was, I enjoyed what I understood to be the warmest evening (pronouncing the second “e”) of this year cycle. Jolleeing my way across the orange lit streets I at last reached the town square, which was empty and very comfortable. The few people traveling by seemed mindless of my mere existence and continued on their frustrating lives. Oh how wonderful it was to share the air with such dignified beings.
I laughed and gently tread into what would be my home for the remainder of the season, wrote this, and went to sleep eating a Michael Cookie.
I fear not who they blame I fear who they elect And all which they protect
I fear the Leviathan Whose shade alone blinds continents And whose voice can be heard All across the earthly hive
I fear their preachings of a better world In peace and harmony And how they seek to achieve it By defeating us And impose upon us The one and only truth
I fear for my life And for my own individual existence That their earthly omnipotence Will one day touch me
I fear because I know That all I consider to be life And all I consider to be beautiful Will be cultivated and controlled Until all of mankind Exists as emptied bodies In an empty world
I am currently sitting here, all fucked up on yesterday's splendid festivities, trying to reorganize the particles of my brain so as to open anew, the gates of my mind.
It was a calm Thursday evening and five peculiar fellows wandered the empty streets of Stockholm. Empty, and deprived of any colours. For such is the nature of societies; it manipulates people into GlobAl simply by touching the very wet parts of our Selves; by giving us each an opportunity to fulfill a spectacular dream glorified and distorted beyond proportion. And such is the mind of the people, that we would much rather annihilate whatever peripheral attributes we might have, fearing the hatred of the Great Monolith, than to keep colouring, and recouloring ourselves in a world thirsting for beauty. We tell our inner morality that we can keep these deviant thoughts, as long as we conceal them in the eyes of the monolith. The problem with this reasoning, however, is that thoughts need interact with other thoughts, lest they fade away of lose their meanings - freedom is a great example of that.
It was to feed this hatred of the whole, we ventured towards the... "Ericsson"... Globe. And so the Fivefecta danced the second tune away as we sat astonished by this great wall.
Images of war beamed out of the wall as psychedelic animations numbed our senses. A battle between the flowers showed the genderal tensions of society, and how the two sexes act. Of course it went deeper than this though. For it showed how the "penis flower" at first penetrated the mother with brute force as the world plunged into war and death only to switch to a different scenario yet in which the female flower devours the male -
This is where we are now. The negative, the female, the preserving forces of nature are becoming our doctrine, as we move away from our entrepenurial, capitalist, male past. For capitalism shall not withstand the incredible static force of the Global Altruism. For the flesh of the world is one - and we all consist of it - should we not then honor it by releasing our hubris and become one with Brahman?
What had been the greatest aesthetic experience of my life was over and phatties guided our way to bed.
As the grey morning sun caressed my eyes with its dulling rays, I traveled alone through the underground transfer system. Suddenly, and without warning, nine months of my life flashed by and receded into the dark corners of my memory. Emotions grew, as unborn children, for nine months only to flood my reality. It was not bad at all - in fact, it was great. It's just that... I am so excrutiatingly exhausted.
And Roger Waters' voice trembles within me: "Tear down the wall!"
I don't know if I should...
I am currently sitting here, all fucked up on yesterday's splendid festivities, trying to reorganize the particles of my brain so as to open anew, the gates of my mind.
It was a calm Thursday evening and five peculiar fellows wandered the empty streets of Stockholm. Empty, and deprived of any colours. For such is the nature of societies; it manipulates people into GlobAl simply by touching the very wet parts of our Selves; by giving us each an opportunity to fulfill a spectacular dream glorified and distorted beyond proportion. And such is the mind of the people, that we would much rather annihilate whatever peripheral attributes we might have, fearing the hatred of the Great Monolith, than to keep colouring, and recouloring ourselves in a world thirsting for beauty. We tell our inner morality that we can keep these deviant thoughts, as long as we conceal them in the eyes of the monolith. The problem with this reasoning, however, is that thoughts need interact with other thoughts, lest they fade away of lose their meanings - freedom is a great example of that.
It was to feed this hatred of the whole, we ventured towards the... "Ericsson"... Globe. And so the Fivefecta danced the second tune away as we sat astonished by this great wall.
Images of war beamed out of the wall as psychedelic animations numbed our senses. A battle between the flowers showed the genderal tensions of society, and how the two sexes act. Of course it went deeper than this though. For it showed how the "penis flower" at first penetrated the mother with brute force as the world plunged into war and death only to switch to a different scenario yet in which the female flower devours the male -
This is where we are now. The negative, the female, the preserving forces of nature are becoming our doctrine, as we move away from our entrepenurial, capitalist, male past. For capitalism shall not withstand the incredible static force of the Global Altruism. For the flesh of the world is one - and we all consist of it - should we not then honor it by releasing our hubris and become one with Brahman?
What had been the greatest aesthetic experience of my life was over and phatties guided our way to bed.
As the grey morning sun caressed my eyes with its dulling rays, I traveled alone through the underground transfer system. Suddenly, and without warning, nine months of my life flashed by and receded into the dark corners of my memory. Emotions grew, as unborn children, for nine months only to flood my reality. It was not bad at all - in fact, it was great. It's just that... I am so excrutiatingly exhausted.
And Roger Waters' voice trembles within me: "Tear down the wall!"
And Yester's snow is being forced down its mother earth. For this is the reign of the SUN, AND NO ONE shall contest it!
On further notes, the fivefecta has come into play. After being introduced horribly by a drawn el clasico grande (with defeat on aggregate), I worried that its glory might be harmed in some way. However, the Fivefecta is currently dancing under her lovely sun and grieves not for disappointments in the past.
The fivefecta, for all you wonderers out there, is a five day streak of leisure from school spiced with all kinds of wonders, the first being the glorious pilgrimage to King's town tomorrow.
And we shall see, that we need not education, nor thought control.
Okay so the game is ON! No more "just around the corners", cause its fucking ON. And so the countdown to the 24th begins, as last year, in a time of fatal importance for the empire as a whole.
But first, trivialities: Today two Major Cunts of the bueracratic hive presented themselves unto us in their poorly masked forms. They did so in good will, they told us, constantly reassuring us of the parental love, under the influence of which they supposedly acted. Although they very much resembled each other in tone and general morality, the two whores slightly differed in the fact that one seemed to be brought there only for "muscle" (Being a broad shouldered rotting beast(don't forget fat)), while the crowned CUNT herself did the preaching. Disregarding all the pure dry nonsense coming out of the teethy abyss she disturbingly enough calls her "kitteh", there was not much said. All her man hating fangs managed to do was to send horrific shivers down us commoners' spines.
What was actually said was basically this:
1. Your graduation isn't yours; rather, it belongs to your friends and family. I.e, thou shalt not commit rulecrime, lest thou want to bring upon thine children the pain of aeges.
2. Commit rulecrime, and thou shalt face one of following, indeed very dire, consequenses: Drink, and thou shalt enter a sobering clinique. Vandalize, and thou shalt be identified photo digitally afterwhich a giant ransom must be paid. Tent, and thou SHALT BE SHUNNED FROM THINE HOME AND BE BROUGHT TO FUCKING JUSTICE 3. Be careful with your suits and dresses - They are the most important things IN
Fuck NV, Fuck Vh, FUCK QUEEN CUNTFANG THE MDCLXVIth (wow, it makes use of all the roman numerals... huh)
I did that because the sixes in this blog turns to fucking b's :/
Regardless of the chilly weather's contradictions, the fact remains that we've entered the holy lands of May. How is it that I can be so sure? It's not like I've had any access to a calendar or anything, and besides FUCK the calendar. Don't need it. Lady May always finds a way to sway her awe stricken audiences.
Brothers and sisters - no, I'm not GlobAl. - fellow mechanisms of medium divinity, is it not always obvious to you, when the angel of light is upon you? When summer enters the room and the dead dies away? How did she present herself to you, I wonder.
Today it's May and the gnomes will find another way to say... hoooray. I feel how my mind is coming back from its winter daze and I feel that I am ready to enter the extatic dance of the sun.
The dysfunctioning man with the many faces conquered the innards of my defenses in the land of tolerance yester; its battering manipulation and twisted hypocrisy fought at the very feet of my innermost castle. Arch angel Snap had to descend unto us and restore order.