warru of sins-desu


Wall of sins

Inside a fortress of steel and stone
Of concrete matter, a windowless home
He sat there listening to them cheer
Not man nor sin could overcome this fear

Inside his fortress he whimpered and whined
As a key was brought forth by faith, oh so kind
He sent word and unlocked the walls of his home
He rushed out with several sins to atone

He was greeted kindly by them all
They would not ever see him fall
His needle treated him with love
As it stabbed the benevolent messenger dove

The people danced in his high
Not knowing that his end was nigh
He leads, they follow
In this extacy of ever so hollow

So stupid and yet so perpetually glad
Unable to identify those who were sad
Death is immortal, they say
Yet they live on to the next day

Dancing, drinking being content
His soul, unable to show its discontempt
Exhausted from perpetual joy
He remembered he was just a mere boy
He gently fell asleep
As new seeds were lain for him to reap

He woke up in cellar like room
And realised it was well past noon
He felt a craving to get out
He could not do more than twist and shout
The walls grew thick, the air grew thin
As death smiled its sinister grin


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