
You know, I've always wanted to start something by saying: You know.

Comedy about trees, and korean people holdin hands

See? There was no point in believing, was there now?

What do you mean? I haven't been disproven yet, you cynical bastard

Cynical!? Is that what you get for being logical these days?

Nevermind you and your pessimism, I'm gonna float

Jesus, you never learn do you, you're like a fucking child

and a chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiild of light, he WAS

Switzerland just beat Spain... oh the glory

Ah but ah, I do believe

I shall not falter

I brought out the bricks from the bin they had been stored at... I brought them out and I rebuilt! The first cornerstones of the Micolan empire have been built.

A man is born atheist but he dies religious

ah man ize be in wonedrland n shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

-hello mr Cattepillar, how... What IZ that you're smoking, holmes? Gimme some dat shit

- I'z be givin' you nuthn til' u passed that ritual motherfucker, motherfucker

- Yo, holmes, you know I'm up fo it, tell me what to do.

- Shiiit, you just go over to that fucking poker table over there, should be a glock lying around over there, by those cards man..

- Yeah

- Yeah take that glock man, and pop a cap in dat weirdo upstairs' ass

- You mean that black dude? And I ain't be talkin bout no brother, hell no. You want me to shoot that dark motherfucker

-Put a glock to your dome and you start to cry

- Boom biddi bye bye




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