mediocrity and winterous battles

And for some reason I went off in a haze quoting random lines from the Dawn of War computer game.

I did it. I fucking did it, and I'm still doing it. Seclusion, intrusion. Yes, alone in a cultural forest!

Anyway, so let me share with you, my loved ones, what my night was all about. Harry and his friends(it was... adequate, I guess :/) left me a mediocre letter d'adieu, as I barged out of what used to be a dreamy vision; a grand theater of my mind. Through the golden vestibule I hurried and towards the steel chariot, with whom I had been acquainted several years earlier. However this time, it was devoid of canines.

Dropped off. Still hazy. Walking on steel streets. Walking home.

Home, ha ha. What a silly thing to call a shack like mine. But it is my place of sleep, nevertheless, and I must respect it as such. Inside, sheltered. Sheltered? I asked myself. Sheltered from what? From adventure? From LIFE? But alas, here I am. Cold yet warm.

Climb the stairs, what now?

Pull the bronze lever and start the machinery. Plug into the many cords, using my past experiences. Breathing heavily. Drifting away.

Cultural heaven. Nowhere to be seen.


This winter scares the shit out of me:


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