vote red

[I apologize for any spelling error, but I don't wanna go through all that again]

Hi, i'm bored and filled to the brim with worthless thoughts about ideologies and whatnow, so I thought I'd share my analysis with the world, in order for someone to challenge my thoghts further

might sound pretentious... I don't really care




Socialist propaganda, but not really...


It is election time in Sweden and as always, it brings forth the political idealist within me. I wander the streets, contemplating morals, ideals and laws.; concepts, which have echoed through the ears of mankind, rich and poor alike, ever since our species found ways to settle down in large tribes, creating our civilization. Civilization; a hive of human beings, that manage, through extreme altruism (via egoism), collaborate with one another creating a society, wherein one man may attain the knowledge of a thousand different minds, while enjoying the labor of a thousand others. All this, through our collective thinking; through our huge mass of gathered data which flows through each and every branch of our mighty world. We form collective morals and collective ideas, based on our collective knowledge. But even if there is an extreme amount of accessible information nowadays, it is still impossible for one person to grasp it all, and so diversity emerges. Diversity in how we should proceed in order to reach utopia. These ideas, however, are all based on our genetical and societal morals, which are all practically identical in each and every member of our planet.

As I said, the election is drawing nearer, and the political parties of our country commence their fighting for the right to rule the people. Everywhere posters pop up, to take our eyes off of the beautiful landscape and draw our attention to their enthusiastic and somewhat aggressive propaganda. The right wing parties will, as always, steal the left's slogans, calling themselves "worker's parties", as a result of the right's legitimate fear of people knowing their true agendas (so afraid, and so much in denial, that even they themselves won't believe the reality behind their own political views). And the left, as always, scream out their emotional and fanatic propaganda, never really suggesting anything concrete, only fulfilling the moral harmony within themselves.

When deciding what party one should vote for, or even if one should vote at all, one must first and foremost look to the two main political ideologies: Left or right. (And by right, I do not mean the conservatives of old, but rather the neo-capitalists of our modern era)

The leftist view on the world, simply put, is a slow and steady rise in all of mankind. It is a society wherein all are equal, both economically and socially, and where our moral and philosophical outlook is identical. I.e., the left propagates a world, where the collective mass is to be treated as one individual. Our species become one and we all follow the will of the whole.

The right wing way to look at things, however, is that instead of working with each other as one, we should battle each other in order to extract the greatest individuals of our race. It is an uneven and unjust world, but it is, nevertheless, the world we all were part of just a few thousand years ago (And its ways are still imprinted in our minds). The right wing world is against laws that benefit or protect the weak, and the only moral is: collective welfare through every individual’s need to achieve.

The difference between these utopias, are similar to the difference between a single human being and an innumerable mass of individual cells.

Now, getting back to the upcoming election, we have right wing parties, which are in reality anarcho-capitalistic. Anarcho-capitalism is a pyramidical system, in which power and welfare rule mankind, and where the forces of evolution pull the strings. There are no laws in an anarcho-capitalistic society, at least no laws that put equally strong moral chains on everyone. For example, the laws that exist within such a society are created by the social elite, to benefit the social elite. For what are laws, if not a manifestation of morals? Morals, which are forced upon you by someone who does not share his view with the rest of the world. See, a law is only needed if there is moral diversion in a society, which means that a society with collective moral values would not have the need for any laws. And this makes giving the right to set laws to the social elite, very dangerous for the commons, for we all know that the moral of the successful differs very strongly from those at the bottom. I.e. the legal system is the anarcho-capitalist technique for creating complete and utter obedience to the social elite.

Our leftist parties, however, are, despite their fanatical enthusiasm, not nearly as successful in making their vision reality as the right wing parties are. The socialists are only able to bring you economical equality, not social, which is the exact reason as to why I am in favor of them winning the election. I am an individualist, and I loathe the thought of being confined into a large blob of mere existence, and even though that is the finish line of the Marxist utopia, we cannot achieve that through mere political change. The only way we're ever going to reach such a state, is if the very fabric of our minds are altered. The utopia of the human hive, is the most evolutionary beneficial, but we humans are too aware of ourselves in order for us to change our perspectives that much. So, for the time being, being a socialist will give you economical equality, at best. The social state will still be as unjust as it is today, meaning that some people are doomed to become social pariahs while others are renowned and loved. But I suppose one might wonder what the point is, and I shall gladly enlighten that certain someone. See, economical equality creates freedom; if everyone has the same income and the same economical situation, then one's performance in life gains an even higher importance. As it is now, some are born rich and wealthy, and some are born poor and without hope. The point where we start off is solely contingent upon the wealth and performances of our parents. I want a world, in which the amount we sacrifice, the amount we suffer, and the amount we perform, shall be the deciding factors of our place in the social hierarchy, not wealth.

Vote Red 2010


tell me who... are you

Yo, blog!

This is life, isn't it. This is what we all struggle for. To be free and uncontrolled. To be left to roam wherever one might wish. This is the fruit of our labour.

the only life we know

But it's a mere waste, isn't it. For in our freedom we create new problems, that need to be dealt with. New conflicts. New heartaches.

But it's nice in the beginning. Ascending that rift between labour and leisure.

Oh yes it feels good.

But now? What of life now? We are dying I suppose. Summer.. is dying.

And we can all look forward to another year in the abyss, just to feel that beautiful leap once more.

that tickling sensation

Perfection is temporary.

Stare at a beautiful picture long enough, and flaws will begin to appear.





I don't normally do this, but fuck the NORM.. Here'äs a fucking song lyric and a youtube clip of a RUSH SONG

so fuck you

The night is black
Without a moon.
The air is thick and still.
The vigilantes gather on
The lonely torchlit hill.

Features distorted in the flickering light,
The faces are twisted and grotesque.
Silent and stern in the sweltering night,
The mob moves like demons possesed.
Quiet in conscience, calm in their right,
Confident their ways are best.

The righteous rise
With burning eyes
Of hatred and ill-will.
Madmen fed on fear and lies
To beat and burn and kill.

They say there are strangers who threaten us,
are immigrants and infidels.
They say there is strangeness too dangerous
In our theaters and bookstore shelves.
Those who know what's best for us
Must rise and save us from ourselves.

Quick to judge,
Quick to anger,
Slow to understand
Ignorance and prejudice
And fear walk hand in hand...

mesmerized by thoughts of wooden fairies

Eternal solitude

Side by side with a fire
A flaming fantasy
Scorching the cold steel
Upon which it thrived

A burning deity
A thousand suns
Failing to melt its metal womb

I search
Deep within the flames
With unharmed hands
To find the key
To unlock the door
To my mind

A stream of strange emotions
Swirl through the air
Yet so familliar

As the past echoes within
The eternal scream
The undying roar
Of the unborn fantasy
Lives on

Side by side with a fire
Without you
A lonely half
A mere fire between
And my dreams

The flickering lights
Fade away
And darkness engulfs the room
As well as my mind

And by the way my peeps, I am out of my mind, so if this be a piece of shit, I dig it, mkay

can i KICK IT??

holy jeremiah --Y--

Departure -----------------------------      polar bears and cats

I walk alone
As always
Through the naked lands
Thoughts gather and die
Dreams dreamt
Then forgotten

Flickering lights dance around me
A soothing breeze
My name
My crystal soul
Yet alone, I remain

I wander from light to light
From world to world
Hope guides me
Through the valley of doubt
Yet I wake up to another Now
To another past

Lost in disilussion
I find myself praying for the future
And so an angel appears
A virtuous smile in our house of greed
A silent tear within a drunken laugh
A Goddess amongst swine

In her motherly embrace
I feel nothing
I feel hollow

Time ceased to exist
Until one day
I felt her dying breath
Then she left

Deamons appear
To sing her voice
To paint her picture
To write her story

I curse you!

You should thank us
They say
We showed you the future

Yet my mind is in the past


True lies

The night
hollow and cold
Will soon be gone
Ahead lies a new tomorrow
A new paradise
A new truth

The night is forgotten
Replaced by dreams
Replaced by lies
And in soothing sleep
We finally lose ourselves

We open our eyes
Filled with hope and joy
Ready to learn of a new world
Not realizing
How blind we really are

We are met by a world of smiles
Ruled by a great light
Constantly pumping life into our new world
Our new morrow
Removing any evidence of our dark past
Until we are all convinced of its omnipotence
And that it is the only intrinsic truth

And so at last
When our God is one
And the darkness is gone
Our world of dreams dissolves
And we neglect our paradise
In the search for a new truth

The light tries to remind us
Of our grand and beautiful world
But all the while
Whispers from the east
Tell us of a new world
A new truth
In darkness

August 3rd

Hello World, this is Micolus reporting in from the last weeks of vagabond like fury, a great haze of magnificent colors dancing around one another like insects do around a lonely night lamp. Today is a day of reckoning. The last day of the season. The last day of soul’s summer. Today is the third of August. Now, what makes this day so special? The end of soul’s summer, what does that mean?


It means that this is the time of remembrance; this is the time of the declining hill. This is the time for the abyss, but also the optimism. See, now there’s nowhere to go but up. The horrid peak is gone.

Suffering has received a new meaning.

It is not turbulent or chaotic, it’s calm, almost in a soothing manner, and it is illumination.


A new year brings new possibilities.

The third day of August, the last day of the season.

The king of the seasons has come to reap its crops


“oooh, I’ve been DIRT… And I don’t care”

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