Gogo master Gaghanna

Gogos feelings...


This is neither here nor there…nor is it anywhere, but everywhere else


This just in: I am currently within what can only be described as a total shit storm; my mom room is now so packed with crap that I can actually feel the walls expanding around me. So much of the space has been taken up by shit that I can no longer be sure that the oxygen levels in here are sufficient for organic life, not to mention the severe psychological torment that arises from being trapped or imprisoned. But it’s all of course very temporary, and it is all of course very tolerable. My mission now lies in compartmentalizing further.


Earlier today I took a stroll through ancient aunterial memories. Through grand weddings and the merger between two continents; through symbols for abandoned parental dreams stuffed in some impulsive manner into dark corners (No one knew that they would be found again, and no one could foresee that the life they had been given would survive the ages), until at last I found the valley – my valley. Seeing as my time this particular day was limited I managed only to scout the periphery of this valley, and it was when I stood there before the fallen gogo master, that I decided to call it a day. But wait a minute, oh grand one, what of this gogo master?


The gogo, in my opinion (do you know what a gogo is? I’ll post a pic), is a very extraordinary creature indeed or at least, that’s what a littler mic would say. These bruised little aliens would probably come third on my list of childhood collections (Right after Warhammer and Pokemon). And of course, this little text trails down to the lovely river of nostalgia, for it was there that I was left to ponder my lost youth, as the gogo master showed me what he had taken from me. He was calm, as was I, but something in his eyes warned me of the weight of the situation. I took a step back. He watched me. I took another one. No changes, still watching.


It was about then that I realized I was acting strange running away from a relatively large gogo and I stopped (still breathing heavily). Nevertheless, the feeling remained. That feeling of lost youth.


On another note, the two major succubus mistresses of society’s tongue are beginning to scare me. They used to just piss me off, as a result of a VERY LARGE difference in ideals and definition (such as the definition of music), but then something changed; they grew too powerful, bloated beyond the fathomable, and in doing so, they unveiled parts of a terrifying future. The direction the evolution of our society’s music is taking right now (as everything else for that matter) is to separate the artist from the art even further until art is truly a matter of utopian fiction, thus sucking whatever meaning the word “music” still has left completely dry. And what is then the perfect symbol, if not these two luscious beasts? They are “edgy”, youthful, hubris inducing and controversial just to the point where it’s starting to disturb the parents. The only difference between the mainstream art today and that of before (mid to late 20th century) is that this time, authority is on art’s side. This is all a result of society becoming more and more aware of the will of its inhabitants, and then satisfying some of these wills (in a way similar to giving a starving man a picture of a sandwich). Compromises compromises.


These beasts then… and I hope you know of whom I speak. Superficial. Their whole existence (to all except them themselves) is exactly that. They are created by the great machine (by its workers) as a gift unto the workers of the great machine. They are the feelings and thoughts of a people too scared to feel or think. They are unfitting substitutes of truth – the heights without the lows – consumed as heroin, when it’s really just air. People don’t really have the need for love when they can LOVE. And this is because they are told that LOVE is equal to love. When in reality, it is this belief and this belief alone, which enslaves them.


Ignorance is bliss only to those who do not consider themselves ignorant. The same goes for wisdom. Truth is though, whatever we do sometimes we are blissful, sometimes we are not – we just have to find a way to dance alongside the world we perceive to be and hope for the best.


As well as the worst…





Who could say no to these two sexy ladies? (My God, these pictures alone already say everything that needs be said)



can you spot the gogo master? and for all of you who won't ask, that "stuff" is bananamilk...

milk.. from a banana...


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