Goodbye hair

So finally I went out.

umzumzumz and all that.

I don't wish to linger on it for too long, the night only being a mere prequel to the great and allmighty graduation day, but I can definitely say that it was more fucked up than I'd ever expect it to be. I got in along the hordes of people entering this sort of brief group being, and walked with them down the stairs to the actual dance floor. The air was filled with eager expectation and excitement over what goods the loss of self control can bring about this time around.

Then it was time to dance. Three hours of practically raving bathing in foam (they called it a foam party), barely being able to breathe, and just letting loose. The music was so strange - and beautiful in its own way...

Afterwards though, this guy came up to me as I was standing outside my gates waiting to be let in by my mother, and he started talking to me in an uneasing manner. Then I noticed the broken bottle in his hands and how he was asking me to give him stuff. really surreal shit. My mother came down just in time and so they left, but he snatched my cell in the run...

We don't love everyone just yet, do we now?


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